I'm Stery - I'm a travelholic and foodie.
I always "dream" and "plan" my next journey during daily hustle and bustle. Traveling is the getaway of life and the memories keep lasting in mind, becoming more refreshing and appealing just like echo. Echo to Life is a space to echo my passion and experience of traveling, spanning from Czech Republic, Italy, Japan and so on. :P
不走拮据背包客也不是千金路線,我是懂得享樂隨興旅者,走過德國、捷克、奧地利、義大利、日本關西及北陸......分享旅行、交通、旅宿、美食及所見所聞的大小事。關於旅行,我想說的更多-Echo to life
Contact: sterydream1@gmail.com
FB: www.facebook.com/echotolife